Soul Purpose and Vibrational Re-Tuning

What is a Soul Purpose and Vibrational Re-Tuning Session? ​

A Soul Purpose and Vibrational Re-Tuning Session is a practical tool designed to help in bringing out and integrating the essence of who we are on the Soul level to our human experience.
Information about every Soul is stored in our Akashic Records and needless to say intuitively we already possess it.

All Souls are created from the Divine Source and possess certain vibrational characteristics - our Divine Gifts or energies in which we are abundant. When we incarnate in a 3D world these vibrational qualities translate into personality features.
When we express our Divine Gifts in a productive and constructive way our lives become naturally abundant and joyful!

Still many choices we make in everyday life do not align with our original Divinity and over the time our energetic vibrations become "out of tune". Soul Re-Tuning is a process of getting our Divine Blueprint back into our lives and as a result restoring joy and abundance.

Watch a video about the session

Duration 1 minute.
Irina Grundler reports.

Through a Vibrational Re-Tuning it is possible to...

  • Find out who you are at Soul Level, your Soul Group, your Divine Gifts (dominant energies), level of consciousness.
  • Learn what holds you back from expressing your True Essense in your life right now.
  • Discover how and why you created situations that no longer serve you.
  • Clear the energies behind these issues.
  • Learn how to incorporate more of your Soul Gifts into your 3D experience and how to move forward to creating a more abundant and empowering life for yourself.
  • Retune your vibrations to the original Divine vibrations of your Soul.

A session consists of several parts:

At first in order to access your Akashic Record I will ask you for some information. Normally it takes me about an hour to prepare for a session as I have to channel energy vibrations and "translate" them into words before presenting to you. It is always your Higher Self who determines what information is revealed.

The next part is presenting and explaining channeled information to you. We will do it by a video conference call at a time we set in advance. Also during our meeting I will make sure to answer your questions.

During the last part (about 15 min) I will work with you energetically to remove blocks and limitations revealed and to re-tune your energetic vibrations. Depending on your unique energetic sensitivity you might experience different subtle sensations. Also if you choose I will offer you a homework to re-enforce energetic realignments which will occur during the session.

After the consultation you will receive a link to download your session's recording in an MP3 format.


$395.00 - for an adult's session;
$195.00 - for a child's session (under 18 y.o.)

To schedule a session please click the button below.
Pay by Using PayPal or a credit card.

Check out other possible types of Akashic Records Sessions here.