Regression Hypnosis Sessions & QHHT

Regression hypnosis sessions complement in the most natural way the work with the Akashic Records. While the main goal of an Akashic Records session is to receive information, a regression hypnosis session is more focused on gaining experience (of course, you will also receive information). Going into regression, in most cases, you will find yourself in your personal Akashic Records, which are located in the multidimensional layers of your DNA.

What is Regression Hypnosis?

  • The state of trance is not an exotic experience; we are all familiar with it. We dive into it every day before we go to sleep.
  • During the session, it will feel that you are fully conscious; the work is being done on a subconscious level. You retain your memory and will, and you are in complete control of the process. I will make various proposals, which you will consciously agree to or disagree with.
  • During the session, we will also use imagination, so the feeling that you are imagining things is completely normal.
  • About 80% of people enter the state of hypnotic trance easily, 10% cannot enter at all, and still 10% require additional work to learn the skills.

I specialize in two types of regression hypnosis sessions:

1. Online sessions via zoom 
2. QHHT (Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®) - in person only.

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What happens before and during an online Session

For an hypnosis session via ZOOM.
You will need a computer or any mobile device that should be set up in a way so that I could see you.
Also you will need a headset with a microphone, this will ensure that you can clearly hear my voice, and I can hear yours.
You can lie on a couch or sit in a comfortable chair.
Make sure your phone and headphones are charged!


A session always works better when you have a specific request/intent or set of questions. Naturally, there is no guarantee that the session will go exactly the way you want it. After you created an intent and sent it out to the Universe, it is up to the Higher Powers to determine the best way for you to receive the experience you need.

A session consists of five phases:

Phase one — introductory, I will explain to you what to expect from your session, we will look together at your list of questions/intents, I might ask for some details.

Phase two — relaxation and induction, I will put you into a state of hypnotic trance and start the process.

Phase three — regression experience, it is largely determined by your requests/intents.

Phase four — communicating with your Higher Self, Guides or other Beings that might show up.

Phase five — coming back out of trance state and after session discussion.

The duration of a session depends on your particular situation, the number of questions you have and your «hypnotizability» (how responsive you are to hypnotic suggestions).
Normally it takes about 2,5 hours.

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Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique®

All Souls are created from the Divine Source and possess certain vibrational characteristics - our Divine Gifts or energies in which we are abundant. When we incarnate in a 3D world these vibrational qualities translate into personality features.
When we express our Divine Gifts in a productive and constructive way our lives become naturally abundant and joyful!

Before a session you need to come up with a list of questions from any areas of your life which are currently important to you and you would like to get answered (purpose, relationships, work, health etc.).
A number of questions can be anywhere between 5 to 15.
Creating this list works as putting out your intents to the Universe, and then it is up to the Higher Forces to determine the best way for you to receive the experience you need.

A QHHT session consists of several phases:

Phase one is an interview: we will look together at your list of questions/intents, I might ask for some explanation and details about some of your life situations.

Phase two is relaxation and induction, I will put you into a state of hypnotic trance and start the process. The level of hypnotic trance experienced during an QHHT session is very deep, still you will be in control!

Phase three will consist of a number of different experiences from current and/or other lifetimes, sometimes it can be a life between lives experience or experience in a different star system as an alien. The types of experiences you'll have are largely determined by your requests/intents.

Phase four is talking to our Super Consciousness (higher aspects of your Higher Self) and getting your questions answered and in most cases a healing as needed performed by your Super Consciousness.

Phase five  is coming back out of trance state and after session discussion.

The duration of a QHHT session depends on your particular situation, the number of questions you have and your «hypnotizability» (how responsive you are to hypnotic suggestions).
Normally it takes about 3 hours.

Here's What Some of My Clients Have to Say:

Many thanks to Irina Grundler for guiding me on my journey into the space of answers. I was looking for a regression practitioner for a long time, and when I came across Irina's posts on Instagram I realized how much I resonated with everything she talked about. An incredible trust was created and I booked a regression hypnosis session with her. What I got from this session is invaluable!🔥🔥🔥 Irina is a sensitive, delicate and experienced guide to the plane of subconsciousness and the Akashic Records, she helped me to find answers to many of my questions! I was especially impressed by the information space I found myself in, with very powerful energy and unusual geometric multidimensional shapes, which were constantly in motion. With the help from Irina and my Guides💫 I was able to translate and process the information. I keep these memories and newly acquired knowledge as a precious jewel!

— Anna S.


$350.00 - online session;
$395.00 - QHHT session (in person only)

To schedule a session please click one of the buttons below.
Pay by Using PayPal or a credit card.