- Monika Muranyi: "The Human Akash: A Discovery of the Blueprint Within"
- Linda Howe: "How to Read the Akashic Records"
- Linda Howe: "Healing Through The Akashic Records"
- Susann Taylor Shier "Soul Mastery: Accessing the Gifts of Your Soul"
- Lee Carroll and Jan Tober: "The Indigo Children. The New Kids Arrived"
- Lee Carroll and Jan Tober: "The Indigo Children. Ten Years Later"
- Louise Hay "You Can Heal Your Life"
- Gregg Braden "The Divine Matrix"
- Peggy Phoenix Dubro "Elegant Empowerment. Evolution of Consciousness"
- Zig Ziglar "See You At The Top"
- Eckhart Tolle "The Power of Now: A Guide to Spiritual Enlightenment"
- Michael Talbot "The Holographic Universe: The Revolutionary Theory Of Reality"
- Drunvalo Melchizedek "The Ancient Secret of the Flower Of Life" Volume 1
- Drunvalo Melchizedek "The Ancient Secret of the Flower Of Life" Volume 2
- Caroline Myss "Anatomy of the Spirit"
- Norma Milanovich "We The Acturians: A True Experience"